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Arkansas State Univ Shooter Bradley Bartelt's Bad Mental State On Facebook - Zennie62

Arkansas State Univ Shooter Bradley Bartelt's Bad Mental State On Facebook - Video

Bradley Kenneth Bartelt is the almost Arkansas State Univ Shooter who surrendered to police earlier today. His Facebook page under Bradley Bartelt of Jonesboro, Arkansas paints a picture he gave us of a cry for help, presenting a declining mental state - one that's all too often common for some middle aged white men today in America. So, while we focus on Muslims and Illegal Immigrants, the one group that is in need of real help and symphathy are the Bradley Kenneth Bartelt's of the World. A look at his Facebook page shows that in 2014 when the 47 year old started posting, his first entries were personal and about his kids and the outings he took with them. In September of last year he reported that his relationship was "Complicated" but then on August 21st of this year, he wrote that he was "separated". It was just around that time Bradley Kenneth Bartelt's Facebook postings turned political and in support of the use of guns and the confederate flag. His last posting yesterday and before the appearance at Arkansas State University, read this way: Need Assistance ! Have Federal Judge "John Goree" of Social Security Administration mis-stating, changing n falsifying medical records documented over 22 times!!! Have multiple Civil Rights Violations of Federal Workforce, Arkansas University and several Arkansas Dept. of, all resulting from 8/22/12 accident at A.S.U. Newport!! Have multiple Malpractice/Ethics/Misconduct of Medical and other Professionals also all documented!!! NO ONE will even read much less touch or help due to FEAR OF GOVERNMENTAL consequences!!! Told multiple professionals and people in State of Arkansas I AM SUICIDAL and now HOMICIDAL, which is what appears they want so problem goes away, thought I would DIE from injures or kill myself by now!!! Any and ALL assistance as well as passing this on to everyone you know would be appreciated!!! This story is True, Documented and does not need to covered up, but put into the Light. MY DEATH should not and will not end the TRUTH!!! I already died twice as result of accident, if necessary let my last DEATH be for a purpose!!! Let the TRUTH and JUSTICE be shown. IF NOT IN THIS LIFE, SURELY IN THE NEXT! GOD BLESS n PROTECT US ALL!!! It was a clear warning and a cry for help. I hope he gets the treatment he needs and it's good no one was harmed. But his case is not unusual. It's much like Dylan Root, who, at 21, had the same bad mental mix of inability to have a female relationship, conservative radical political views, and in roots case, white supremacist involvement and display of the confederate flag. Something is clearly wrong and I say it's our economic employment structure and the lack of well-paying low-skilled jobs that's at fault. Not everyone can be a programmer but we send the message that everyone has to be. In the 1960s, we had a goal of a job for all regardless of skill level. We need to return to that idea.
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